On Friday August 18, 2017, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed HB 2622, which created a state-chartered, not-for -profit workers’ compensation insurance company.

Rauner said, “Today I veto House Bill 2622 from the 100th General Assembly, which will create a state-sponsored workers’ compensation insurance company. This bill will also require the Department of Insurance to provide a loan of $10 million out of the operations fund of the Workers’ Compensation Commission to capitalize the new organization.
Illinois currently has the most competitive market for workers’ compensation insurance in the country with over 300 participants. Maintaining this state of affairs is in the best interest of every employer and job creator required to purchase this insurance.
This legislation would instead disrupt the functioning market by inserting new and unnecessary layers of government interference due to an unfounded belief that the current competitive system is broken. Furthermore, this bill would divert needed funds from the Workers’ Compensation Commission, which could impact the backlog of cases and increase the cost of claims. The $10 million loan it this legislation demands of the Commission is not likely to have any meaningful impact in providing better access to affordable insurance.
This bill does nothing to address the actual cost drivers and broken aspects of our workers’ compensation system, which are significant contributors to the flight of businesses and jobs from Illinois and obstacles to the efficient and effective system that injured workers deserve. Instead it directs attention at a fabricated problem.
Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(b) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return House Bill 2622, entitled “AN ACT concerning regulation,” with the foregoing objections, vetoed in its entirety.”