Scott McCain
Scott McCain has been with the firm since 2004. He was named partner in 2015 and became a shareholder in 2019. Scott graduated with a degree in History from Ohio State University in 1997. While at Ohio State, Scott played rugby for the Ohio State Men’s Rugby Club and was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Scott attended law school at the University of Toledo College of Law, where he graduated Cum Laude in 2001. Scott’s primary area of practice is workers’ compensation defense, representing insurance carriers, self-insured businesses, risk management associations, third-party administrators, and municipalities across various industries including transportation, health care, food service, and manufacturing. He has extensive experience in handling workers’ compensation cases, including initial investigations, case analysis, strategic client advisement, evidence inspection, medical management, retention of experts, pre-trial and arbitration, review and appellate practice. Scott is licensed to practice law in Illinois and Ohio.
Scott played rugby for the Chicago Lions Rugby Football Club from 2001- 2005. During his free time, Scott is an avid fisherman and is often on the water with his wife and two children.