I&F recently prevailed in a trial over the disputed issue of the Petitioner’s bilateral carpal tunnel conditions. The Petitioner alleged that her diagnoses and surgeries were “I&F Prevails in IL Claim as Petitioner’s Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Held Unrelated to Work Duties”
Category: Inman & Fitzgibbons Updates
I&F Upholds Prior Victories in Appeal before Madison County (IL) Circuit Court
Partner Kevin Deuschle previously obtained wins at Arbitration and before the Commission, awarding no benefits to the petitioner, in a case involving an allegedly work-related “I&F Upholds Prior Victories in Appeal before Madison County (IL) Circuit Court”
I&F’s Lauren Waninski admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court
Inman & Fitzgibbons Associate Attorney Lauren Waninski traveled to Washington, D.C. where she had the distinct honor of appearing before the United States Supreme Court. “I&F’s Lauren Waninski admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court”
I&F and Illinois Chamber of Commerce present “The Life of a Workers’ Compensation Claim”
Inman & Fitzgibbons, Ltd. attorneys Allison P. Mecher and Lauren L. Waninski recently presented “The Life of a Workers’ Compensation Claim” to the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. “I&F and Illinois Chamber of Commerce present “The Life of a Workers’ Compensation Claim””
I&F Illinois Legislative Update
In addition to our regular duties defending employers and insurers across the Midwest, I&F maintains a dedicated Legislative Watch Group that stays up to date “I&F Illinois Legislative Update”
I&F Presents to Hotel Human Resources Association of Chicago
Inman & Fitzgibbons, Ltd. attorneys Steve Murdock and Allison Mecher recently presented to the Hotel Human Resources Association of Chicago on two topics related to Illinois “I&F Presents to Hotel Human Resources Association of Chicago”
I&F Presents 2016 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case Law Year in Review Webinar
On February 16, 2017, Jynnifer Bates and Mark Carter hosted a webinar entitled “2016 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case Law Year in Review” through the Illinois “I&F Presents 2016 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case Law Year in Review Webinar”
Refused Drug Test Results In No Benefits
As we discussed back in October 2016, Section 11 of the Act provides, in part, that there is a “rebuttable presumption that an employee was “Refused Drug Test Results In No Benefits”
Illinois General Assembly Revisiting Illinois Workers’ Compensation Reform . . . or Is It?
An update from Partner G. Steven Murdock and the I&F Legislative Watch Committee: As the battle of Rauner vs. Madigan continues in Springfield over pension “Illinois General Assembly Revisiting Illinois Workers’ Compensation Reform . . . or Is It?”
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Finds Psychologist Qualified under Section 12 of the Act to perform an Independent Medical Examination
Following petitioner’s objection to the scheduling of a comprehensive pain management IME, a hearing was held before the IWCC pursuant to I&F’s Motion to Compel “Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Finds Psychologist Qualified under Section 12 of the Act to perform an Independent Medical Examination”