I&F recently prevailed at arbitration in an Illinois WC claim with a ruling that saves the employer thousands of dollars. The petitioner, a laborer, suffered a work “I&F Prevails in IL Claim where Medical Records Contradict Petitioner’s Testimony”
Category: Insurance Industry
Iowa Governor Signs WC Bill
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad has signed a workers’ compensation bill that reduces benefits for injured workers, notably benefits for shoulder injuries, and decreases coverage for “Iowa Governor Signs WC Bill”
Indiana Court of Appeals Holds Termination of Employment does NOT Bar Entitlement to TTD Benefits in Indiana
The Indiana Court of Appeals recently weighed in on an issue that could prove troublesome for Indiana employers. In March, the Court addressed the issue “Indiana Court of Appeals Holds Termination of Employment does NOT Bar Entitlement to TTD Benefits in Indiana”
Illinois WC Legislative Update – May, 2017
The Illinois Legislature has been busy with Workers’ Compensation related bills and we have been busy keeping our readers up to date. There are 3 “Illinois WC Legislative Update – May, 2017”
I&F and Illinois Chamber of Commerce present “The Life of a Workers’ Compensation Claim”
Inman & Fitzgibbons, Ltd. attorneys Allison P. Mecher and Lauren L. Waninski recently presented “The Life of a Workers’ Compensation Claim” to the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. “I&F and Illinois Chamber of Commerce present “The Life of a Workers’ Compensation Claim””
IL WC Update: Taking the “Voluntary” out of Voluntary Recreation Programs
Pursuant to Section 11 of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, accidental injuries incurred while participating in “voluntary recreation programs” do not arise out of and “IL WC Update: Taking the “Voluntary” out of Voluntary Recreation Programs”
Temporary Transitional Employment in Illinois
Transitional Temporary Employment plans or programs (TTE) are a tool used to address return to work issues. In these programs a third party vendor is “Temporary Transitional Employment in Illinois”
I&F Presents to Hotel Human Resources Association of Chicago
Inman & Fitzgibbons, Ltd. attorneys Steve Murdock and Allison Mecher recently presented to the Hotel Human Resources Association of Chicago on two topics related to Illinois “I&F Presents to Hotel Human Resources Association of Chicago”
I&F Presents 2016 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case Law Year in Review Webinar
On February 16, 2017, Jynnifer Bates and Mark Carter hosted a webinar entitled “2016 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case Law Year in Review” through the Illinois “I&F Presents 2016 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Case Law Year in Review Webinar”
Elimination of WC Review Board Sought by Governor Walker of Wisconsin
On February 8, 2017 Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker submitted his 2017-2019 budget recommendations under Assembly Bill 64 and Senate Bill 30. Therein, Governor Walker has “Elimination of WC Review Board Sought by Governor Walker of Wisconsin”