In a recent case before an arbitrator at the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, Partner Steve Murdock prevailed in defense of an alleged claim for repetitive “I&F Prevails as IL WC Arbitrator Finds that Routine Job Duties are Not Necessarily “Repetitive””
Category: Insurance Industry
Wisconsin Court of Appeals hold Expert Medical Opinion from Unlicensed Doctor Admissible at Trial
Under Wisconsin law, a WKC-16-B certified practitioner’s report is admissible at trial as evidence of the diagnosis, necessity of the treatment, and cause and extent “Wisconsin Court of Appeals hold Expert Medical Opinion from Unlicensed Doctor Admissible at Trial”
Rauner Vetoes Bill to Create Illinois State Chartered NFP WC Insurance Company
On Friday August 18, 2017, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed HB 2622, which created a state-chartered, not-for -profit workers’ compensation insurance company. Rauner said, “Today I veto “Rauner Vetoes Bill to Create Illinois State Chartered NFP WC Insurance Company”
I&F Prevails where Illinois Appellate Court Upholds Finding that Firefighter’s Need for New Knee Not Related to Work Accident
Our office is pleased to report the receipt of a favorable Decision from the Illinois Appellate Court, First District. In this case, the petitioner, a “I&F Prevails where Illinois Appellate Court Upholds Finding that Firefighter’s Need for New Knee Not Related to Work Accident”
Use of Opioids in Wisconsin WC is Low and Aims to go Lower
As everyone involved in the administration of workers’ compensation claims knows, pain medication, particularly opioids, are notorious medical cost-drivers. This is especially true when calculation “Use of Opioids in Wisconsin WC is Low and Aims to go Lower”
IL Appellate Court Reevaluates Post-termination TTD
The Illinois Third District Appellate Court has taken another look at whether TTD is warranted when a claimant with restrictions is fired. In the recent “IL Appellate Court Reevaluates Post-termination TTD”
IL Special Legislative Session and Competing Workers’ Compensation Bills
Governor Bruce Rauner called a 10-day Special Session of the Illinois Legislature. The purpose of the Special Session is to address the on-going budget stalemate. “IL Special Legislative Session and Competing Workers’ Compensation Bills”
Missouri WC Repetitive Trauma Update – Statute of Limitations: When does the clock start ticking?
There are often issues relating to the statute of limitations in carpal tunnel and other repetitive trauma cases. When does the clock actually start ticking? “Missouri WC Repetitive Trauma Update – Statute of Limitations: When does the clock start ticking?”
Illinois WC Alert – Rebutting the 6(f) Presumption
The Appellate Court recently issued a decision that clarifies how to apply the rebuttable presumptions referred to in section 6(f) of the Illinois WC Act, “Illinois WC Alert – Rebutting the 6(f) Presumption”
Recent Missouri Activity Appears Favorable for Employers
Employers in Missouri should expect a continued decrease in workers’ compensation insurance costs as the Missouri Department of Insurance has recently recommended a 4.6% decrease “Recent Missouri Activity Appears Favorable for Employers”